
Develop 7 good habits to make life more "green"

2020-10-15  1047

Life without holding is a popular concept of life recently. It advocates to enjoy a simple, beautiful and quality life with a way of life without holding. This kind of life not only advocates green environmental protection, thrifty and happy life, but also releases and relieves mental pressure. Do you want to try it? As long as you do the following 7 points, you can do it easily.

Develop 7 good habits to improve the quality of life

Do not stock up on consumables such as plastic wrap and toilet paper. Perhaps when the sale to buy a pile, like taking advantage, but easy to cause waste on the use.

Once you stop hoarding, you will be more careful when using it, and you will come up with various life wisdom, such as using closed containers instead of plastic film, gauze instead of toilet paper, which can naturally reduce the use rate of consumables and exchange for a good life.

Impulse shopping feels good, but there are many cases of regret after buying something. Therefore, as long as it is "it doesn't matter if you didn't buy it", you should insist on not buying and narrow the door to entry. In this way, only things that "really like" and "really necessary" will appear in the home.

Free things are rarely treasured, so they are often hoarded.

The first step of "not holding" is not to take it. For example, if you do not take free plastic bags, replace them with your own shopping bags; if you send free gifts that you can't use, you should also insist on not taking them at all.

Develop the habit of discarding. Magazines or pamphlets in excess of a certain number are discarded; beautiful cake boxes that are not in use, expired food and condiments are also discarded.

And do perform "preparation before discarding", such as using beautiful bags as garbage sorting containers to make it easy and pleasant to discard.

Before you buy an item, you should first think about whether there are other things to replace in your home. For example, if you only use a funnel once a year, you can use the existing plastic plate to roll it into a funnel shape instead. In this way, you can avoid holding one more thing. The purpose of using the existing items is not to make up for poverty, but to create abundance.

You can borrow or rent the things you don't use frequently. If you use more items with others, each family may reduce the situation of hoarding and using less goods, avoid oppressing living space and reduce unnecessary waste.

Before shopping, be sure to ask yourself, "is this really necessary?" often ask yourself this question, and you may get the answer of "no, it doesn't matter". There should be a lot of such things in life.